Medical emergencies happen. When you or a loved one requires attention right away, the last thing you want to do is wait to be seen by a doctor or physician assistant at your local emergency room for hours on end. Feel at ease knowing that Montgomery Medical Clinic is available to provide urgent care in Gaithersburg, MD, and beyond. About 80% of ER visits can be treated at an urgent care clinic. Simply walk in, and one of our caring emergency personnel will cater to your needs immediately.
When an acute illness or condition is making life miserable, your first thought is to go to your primary care doctor for a treatment. Your PCP is booked for the next two weeks, so what do you do? Visit the caring and compassionate emergency doctor at our walk-in clinic to provide the treatment you need to make a full recovery.
When you need to see your PCP, you are required to make an appointment. Unfortunately, emergency care cannot wait days or weeks on end for your doctor’s next available appointment. That’s where our walk-in clinic comes in. Our physicians and experienced medical team are available to provide the services you need when you need them without an appointment.
Most medical offices are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the week. If you cannot make it to your doctor’s office within the timeframe, you are expected to suffer with an illness or medical conditions, such as an earache, the flu, sprains and strains, skin infections, minor burns, and more until the next week. Our emergency doctor offers flexible hours seven days a week to accommodate your busy schedule. We’re even open on holidays!
Emergency room visits are often unavoidable. Unfortunately, a trip to the emergency room can sometimes cost hundreds of dollars with insurance and thousands of dollars without medical coverage. A visit to our emergency care clinic costs a fraction of the cost! As well, most insurance plans cover trips to walk-in clinics; though, it depends on your insurance carrier.
So Many Benefits of Choosing Our Emergency Doctor for Care
There is a multitude of benefits for choosing our urgent care clinic for emergency care and treatments. Whether you’re concerned about the lack of insurance or poor insurance coverage, or simply don’t want to wait to be seen, our center is the place to go. Other benefits include: